PTE write essay要求同学们在20分钟之内完成一篇200 – 300个词的文章。大部分作文有问题的同学都是由于时间不够,导致文章写不完或者没有留有足够的时间来检查语法和拼写,从而无法拿到理想的分数。
题目:Nowadays many young people leave home at an early age to either study or work in another day. Do you think this has more advantages or disadvantages for young people? Support your point view with reasons and examples from your own experience.
首先大家要知道,PTE essay的段需要改写(Paraphrase)题目来介绍文章的相关背景,并且明确接下来将要argue的观点。
1. 近义词替换
则题目可改写为:It has become quite common that young adults tend to leave their hometowns to work or study.
这句话中用young adults替换了young people,用hometown替换了home。由于work和study比较不容易找到替换词,所以只能保留。
2. 词性转换
则上句话可改写为:It has become quite common that young adults tend to leave their hometowns to pursue better study and work opportunity.
3. 主语宾语换位
则题目可改写为:It has become quite common that better education and work opportunities in major cities have attracted a large number of young people from different cities to settle in.
这句话中我们把题目中的宾语work and study写成了主语,把题目中的young people写成了宾语。这样就可以该写出和原题结构完全不同的句子。
a large number of 大量的
settle in 迁入,定居
major city 主要城市
只要在考试过程中灵活使用这三种方法,那么写PTE essay的段就会变得非常简单。同学们就可以花更多的时间来构思body段落和检查语法、拼写错误。